
Meet the Town Girl

​Hello everyone! I’m Jessica from the Pearl of the Orient, Philippines!

I’m a 20-something University student that is an avid Korean Drama fan and a bookworm!
I’m actually hesitant to start blogging but since I need some off time from daily school works- I told my self why not give it a try?

So this is where “Keeping Up With the Town Girl” comes in. I know the name is not very original but since this would be a lifestyle blog and I grew up in a small (not really) town, I came up with that name (hehehe.)

This blog will be the online journal of my mundane and college life, ramblings, and my journey to the “real world” (that point in time when you’re not considered a child anymore and you start to earn your own money, did those words ring a bell?)

Looking forward to all great things that this new journey would be bringing into my life!

Don’t hesitate to comment down below!

5 thoughts on “Meet the Town Girl

  1. Are you currently in the Phillipines? I hope you will post lots of pictures from your daily life. Many people from other countries will not find your life mundane at all! Welcome to blogging. 😊

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